Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Plato. “The Simile of the Cave.” The Republic.

Section 2:

1. Compare and contrast what Socrates says in “The Simile of the Cave” with Fahrenheit 451. How are characters like Mildred similar to characters in “Simile of the Cave”?

- There are many similarities with this book and Fahrenheit 451. For one Socrates is talking to Glaucon. He told him to imagine a cave where there would be people shackled and will not be able to look anywhere but straight. By doing this you will be setting them apart. They will have projected images coming from the fire and they will only have that image to tell what it is. They will not know it is only a shadow unless they look back and see it for themselves. And until they see the real image/object they will know that they have been living lies all their lives. This is just like in F.451 because they have been living a lie. The only thing left that would tell them the truth were the books and they have been burning them. This here has been setting them apart. They have been running away from what’s real. Some contrasts though, about them, is that people in Plato, like Glaucon, are willing to listen and understand. He is being proven something else and he is accepting. When Socrates is asking him something he answers “yes” because he knows it’s true unlike F.451 where they were not willing to accept it.

Socrates has been talking to Glaucon and has been questioning him. Glaucon believes in something else and yet has been falling for what Socrates is saying. Socrates has been extracting the truth out of him.

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