Tuesday, April 24, 2007


1) Give a quick explanation of the topic and propose a debate resolution of the topic. (a couple of sentences)

My topic for reading is supposed to be about the Patriot Act. Unfortunately I did not get the packet. So I will be writing about the patriot act in general. I think a good resolution for this topic would be that the Patriot Act has increased censorship.

2) Explain why it is an important topic. You choose what to write about, but here are some suggestions if you are stuck: How does it impact your constitutional rights? Can it impact your daily life? Does it empower or dis empowered you as an individual? Does it promote or inhibit public discussion? Does it help or hurt people getting along with one another? (short paragraph)

The Patriot Act is a really important topic because it has taken away our privacy as citizens. The patriot act was taken to effect only 15 days after the attacks of 9/11 due to the increase of terrorist attacks. This act definitely impacts daily life. And the worst part is that we may not know when we get spied on. The Patriot Act says that it gives government officials the right to wire tap a suspect and track down e-mail connections that may contain clues to a another terrorist attack. I think this dis empowers us as individuals because we are being spied on.

3) Write one or two sentences that explain a good point made by the con side and one or two sentences that explain a good point made by the pro side (2-4 sentences total).

Crime rates have plunged due to FBI and local cops.
Pro: Government Officials can track down future terrorist attacks through local communications and wiretaps.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Viewpoints due 4/24

Assume that our next debate will have the resolution, "The press should be censored in times of crisis."

1) Indicate whether your reading selection is pro or con for the above resolution and write three things that support the pro or con position on this issue.
Since my reading of the packet says that the press should practice self censorship, i would guess that it id for the PRO side. For starters, if a reporter is out in the middle of war they might report on something that the U.S military might keep hiding and thus expose our plan to the enemies.(For those watching). Secondly, recently there have been attacks made by the army to the reporters because they have been getting in the way. Finally, the press, if they have a copy of good news, should know what to air and what not to.


2) Write a paragraph where you state your opinion on the issue. It should include some evidence from the reading, but it does not have to follow each viewpoint to the letter. You can also include ideas and evidence from other sources or individuals.
I think that the press should not be silenced completely like in the Virginia Tech incident but they should not get in the way of soldiers when out in the battle. Soldiers have a duty and they have to achieve it. It's hard enough risking your life and keeping secret plans secret, but then having a reporter in your face?
Come on!
that's what I think.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Viewpoints 4/23

Assume that our next debate will have the resolution, "There should be limits to free speech."

1) For chapter 1, write three things based on the reading that supports the above resolution. This is the "pro" argument.
Keeping Adult content from children T.V. channels
b) Freedom of Press
c) Calling censorship something else due to the laws that prohibit it.(Responsible policy)

2) For chapter 2, write three things based on the reading that goes against the above resolution. This is the "con" argument.
W/out free speech we would have no say in ideas
b) Rather than helping the minorities, censorship brings them down
c) Freedom of Speech is the foundation for a great society

3) Write a paragraph where you state your opinion on the issue. It should include some evidence from the reading, but it does not have to follow each viewpoint to the letter. You can also include ideas and evidence from other sources or individuals.
My view in this censorship debate is that people should be able to express their ideas but there should be limits to how much you can say. Screaming out the "N" word at African American people is past the line Somewhere n between those lines we should be able to say. Another thing; people usually want to sensor out someone just for their own benefits. Like the Don Imus controversy for example. The NAACP took it far with that one. They got Don Imus fired even after he apologized and the women accepted it. Another thing; he was a comedian. Sometimes comedians say crude mean stuff that they don't actually mean which makes people laugh. The NAACP should have known that. This is what I think.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Don Imus Controversy 4/18

1. According to the NAACP, why should Imus be silenced?
A. According to NAACP, Imus should be silenced for his racial blur towards African American women; more specifically towards the Rutgers women's basketball team.

2. According to Frank Rich, why should Imus not be silenced?
A. According to Frank Rich, Imus should not be silenced because since he has been in his show, Frank has seen that Imus makes fun of all people. The racial blur that he said was meant to be a joke, but somehow people took it the wring way.

3. Do you think Imus should be silenced? Why?

3. Do you think Imus should be silenced? Why?

Don Imus has shared what’s in his mind a lot of times. He makes fun of all people. He is a comedian born July 23, 1940. Many comedians find anything to make fun of. The most commonly used subjects though have to do with racist offenses. Somehow, we have grown to know that some of the jokes are just for laughs. Especially those made from comedians.

Just recently, Don Imus was kicked off his own show for making a racist comment against African American women. He was known for making such comments, so why were people making a big deal out of this one? This is why I say Imus should not be censored completely.

The NAACP has taken this too far. Taking a man off his show just because he said something that many other people have said, that is not fair. We hear many of these comments in our daily lives through rap and all sorts of music. So why just go against this one man? Many comedians have said such comments. For example Carlos Mencia. In his show he has always said many racist jokes, even of his own, but people do not seem offended. So why did all of a sudden Don Imus’ comment have so many bad consequences? If it were up to me, I would not strip him of what he has; I would just have him do community service or something.

In conclusion, Don Imus should not have gotten the punishment he got for what he said. Later on he even apologized directly to the women that got offended (The Rutgers Basketball team) and they accepted the apology. Why is the NAACP so interested even after the apology? I say the NAACP has blown this out of proportion and they are the racists in this case.

I believe that Imus should not be silenced.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Plato 4/17

Q) What is your reaction to the ending of the section? What is good and/or bad about the type of society outlined by Socrates?
I think that his ideas are not right. They will have a bad impact on the society. By removing certain ideas that we know are not real and completely thinking that they are wrong will cause confusion all around. By adapting to this we will soon forget we ever had "art" and will lower our intelligence. They will start moving backwards rather than progressing. Having more knowledge is better.