Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Iliad Book 16 – “Patroclus Fights and Dies” (pp. 412-421 lines 1-333)

1. What does Patroclus propose to Achilles and what is Achilles’ response? Why does Achilles grant Patroclus’ request?
Patroclus proposes that when he goes to fight, he wears Achilles' armor and Achilles says yes because its like the war has already ended. they are losing.

2. On p. 413 line 35 (approximately), Patroclus tells Achilles that Achilles is “cursed in [his] own courage.” What does Patroclus mean by that and do you agree with him?
I think he means that his courage is why he is feeling bad. It's what caused his "downfall". I totally agree with him because Achilles needs not learn where to stop but no, he keeps on going.Arguing.

Iliad book 9 (pp. 266-275 lines 521-869 )

2. What was your opinion of Achilles before reading Book 9? Does it change after reading Book 9? Explain why or why not.
Before reading book 9 i always thought Achilles was the man to look up to. He was a courageous brave fighter. He did not let anyone bring him down. He fought for what he wanted and did not settle for less. Now that i read this section i feel like he has lost it all. Before he would not care of his actions and just did what he wanted. Now he thinks about it first. To me he seems more "human".


Who is speaking? Phoenix

What does that person say and to whom does he say it? To Achilles, he starts talking about him and how hi dad helped him a lot. he says the he himself took care of him and was hoping for Achilles to return the favor, which is to fight.

What persuasive strategy is it? This would probably go in two. In Reason and Emotion.

I say this because he is reasoning with him yet he touches on a topic of emotion

Who is speaking? Phoenix

What does that person say and to whom does he say it to? To: Achilles, he says that he should fight for his country since he needs to let his anger out by fighting.

What persuasive strategy is it? This appeals to reason because he has the energy and the reason to fight.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Iliad Reading(book 9)

1. Write a question. It can be an interpretive question that you have an opinion on or something about the text that you don't understand. You do not need to write the answer.
- After reading this section I am getting the impression that Agamemnon has changed. He has thrown a banquet and has called on some warriors and has said that they cannot over throw/ take over Troy. But I did not understand it very clearly.

2. What was your opinion of Agamemnon before reading this section? Does your opinion of him change after reading it? Why or why not? A one paragraph reply is fine, minimum of 6 solid sentences, but you are encouraged to write more.
- I am going to write my opinion on what I understood. My opinion on him changed due to the fact that his attitude has gotten better. Not a lot but now he accepts is mistakes. At least from what I understood. One example that I found, and saw that some of the students did too, was on page 255 lines 137 through 139. it goes like “That’s no lie old man, a full account you give of all my acts of madness…” this is saying that Ag. Knows about his mistakes he has made.

3. At various points in the text some characters attempt to persuade other characters to take a course of action. Examples of characters using persuasion include Nestor, Odysseus, and Ajax. Make a list of the persuasive strategy used by these characters, following this format:

1.) Who is speaking? Nestor
What does that person say and to whom does he say it?
To: Diomedes
He says: “Few can match your power in battle, Diomedes, and in council you excel all men your age…”
What persuasive strategy does this appeal to?
This appeals to emotion since it is complimenting him.

2.) Who is speaking?
What does the person say and to whom does he say to?
To: Achilles
He says I lost the line number but it says he will offer all these items of interest just so he could forgive him. (This is another thing that really changed my ideas about Agamemnon)
What persuasive strategy does this appeal to?
I can’t think of a specific thing this topic would go under because its more like bribing him into doing something.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Friend Fight

In your blog write about a time when you had a big disagreement with a friend - or other person - that led you or the other person to regret things that were said or done.

I can’t really remember a time when me and a friend fought. I am sure I have but I can’t think of the details or why.

(ill keep this post they way it is and will add more to it later.)

Iliad Reflection (Book One)

A) Achilles’ rage is justified and I support his decision not to fight, even if it means the Greeks might lose lots of men, or even the war itself.

I agree with this because Agamemnon creates havoc which then causes a fight but Ag does not fight them himself. He does not deserve a war prize because he really didn’t fight his own battles. He has fought plenty for them and has done a good job; he does not have to fight one more fight.

Although it will cause plenty of deaths, this will tell Agamemnon not to create more trouble since it causes suffering.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My Rage - Cause


I am angry when I have to do homework. By the time I get home I have to do homework. No time to have fun. Since I take the bus and trolley home it takes one hour to get home.

So I get home at 5:00 p.m. Then I eat and once again. More homework. It is so stressful to get homework from all classes. Essay in one, Spanish script in the other and a math packet in another one. Man when is this going to stop? I am drowning in homework and there is no way of telling when it is going to stop. All week I am waiting for a time to relax, my savior….the weekend.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

F.451 Descriptive Writing

The lady being burned…scene…

While I try and relax in my house the thought of any moment being caught with books at hand comes in mind. The fear of memories and ideas being lost will always haunt me. Before I can finish that thought, I hear sirens going off. Oh no, have they discovered I have hidden books in my house? Have they come and burn my house? The moment I hear a knock on the door my heart stops. My fears have come true.

…….Moments later, I see a man. I can tell he does not want to do this. But he must. It is his job. His duty. But not me. I shall not give to ignorance. I know the truth and will go by it. If my books die, then let me die with them……

Monday, February 5, 2007


Q. Make a list of the descriptive words in that scene – minimum of 3, but you should be able to find a lot. & Write a short paragraph of why you think that scene and the words Bradbury used were effective in representing fear. This is like the assignment from last night expect with Bradbury.

A. I chose the scene where Montag and the firemen were burning down the woman's house. After reading this passage, I was amazed. I could feel the fear of the woman and how she knew that was the day she was going to die. Some of the quotes I like that showed this fear were “Montag had hidden a book under his arm, as he watched a woman get burned alive”. I liked this quote in general but not the meaning because that’s just messed up. How could anyone just stand there watching someone just burn to death? Well, I liked the descriptive words used in this because like I said, it gives a strong mental picture. This and many other within this passage brought up mostly hatred and fear.

Hesiod Assignment

  1. What do you think this myth tells about the ancient Greeks? What values did they have? Why would a story like this develop?

>What this myth tells us about the Greeks is that they were all with power. Every child born from a god automatically had a role in the world. Like Poseidon was ruler of the seas and Hades was ruler of the underworld. I think a story like this is easily developed by the Greeks because they did not know how stuff happened so they figured there was a god for everything that would take care of that.

Words i found interesting on my partners work


Some of the word I found interesting are pretty much the same as yours.
I also liked
>"Naive" i always use this word on my sister. but i liked how you called the "beasts" stupid by using "naive".
>"Appalling" since it means a terrible accident or horror..and
>"Thrashing". i like this word because it means chaos and destruction. which the story is all about.


I liked how you used the words
out of all these three i liked Claustrophobia because i know I'm claustrophobic. i am afraid of being in a closed spot

Friday, February 2, 2007

9 things I hate about people( funny)

9 Things I Hate About Everyone

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.

3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?

4. When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna kick their asses!

5. When people say, while watching a film, "Did you see that?". No, Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.

6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya, Sunshine?

7. When something is "new and improved!"...Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, so it couldn't be new.

8. When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest thing anyone ever experiences!! What can you do that's longer?

9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here?